Saturday, September 1, 2007

Easements (June 2007)

(1) General Maintenance - It is the duty of the property owner to maintain the front landscape easement area and utility easements behind and abutting their respective properties in a safe and sightly condition.

(2) Front easements/right of ways must be kept mowed and otherwise maintained by the property owner. Groundcovers, plantings, and flowers are only permitted within a three foot (3') radius around the perimeter of a tree, and plantings shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in height from grade of yard at sidewalk level. In addition, the area shall be kept free of debris and other objects so as to not impede drainage.

(3) Utility easements behind properties in the City of Strathmoor Village are the responsibility of the adjoining property owner and must be kept mowed and free of any rubbish (including tree/shrub cuttings and other yard waste).

PENALTY A violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) per offense. In addition, the Commission may elect, upon proper notice to the homeowner, to remedy the violation and to place a lien against the property as set out in the Landscape Maintenance Ordinance No. 12, Series 2006.